Fowl Weather (1953)
"Fowl Weather" is a 1953 Animation movie directed by Friz Freleng and starring by Mel Blanc, Bea Benaderet. Granny is Tweety Bird's mistress on a farm. She assigns a bulldog named Hector to take care of Tweety while she's away. Sylvester Cat disguises himself as a scarecrow to sneak up on Tweety. Tweety runs into a chicken coop and is protected by a mother hen and an aggressive rooster. Hector, seeing that Tweety is gone and fearing Granny's wrath, paints Sylvester yellow and puts him in Tweety's cage to fool Granny. Tweety returns and makes like a cat since turnabout is fair play.
Released : Apr 03, 1953
Runtime : 7 min.
Stars : Mel Blanc, Bea Benaderet
Director : Friz Freleng
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