The School of Spies (1966)
"The School of Spies" is a 1966 Drama movie directed by Yasuzō Masumura and starring by Raizō Ichikawa, Mayumi Ogawa. Nakano Institution is the so-called ‘Spy School’ where many young men are trained to be excellent spies. They erase their names, families, even lovers to bury themselves in training. Jiro, one of the cadets, successfully seize the secret code of English army to pass the final exam. However, he reaches the crossroad when his fiancee Yukiko turns out to be a spy of the enemy.
Released : Jun 04, 1966
Runtime : 96 min.
Stars : Raizō Ichikawa, Mayumi Ogawa, Kyōsuke Machida, E.H. Eric
Director : Yasuzō Masumura
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